Subjects of the Minifiddlers lessons:
Year 1
Lesson 1: Establishing the basic holds and basic movements
Lesson 2: Basic rhythms; long, short
Lesson 3: First "chamber music"
Lesson 4: Basic rhythms; long, short and rest
Lesson 5: Basic rhythms; long, short, rest and half note
Lesson 6: The bow-hold
Lesson 7: Directions on the fingerboard
Lesson 8: String crossing (open strings and "octave" natural harmonics)
Lesson 9: Two note songs
Lesson 10: Three note songs
Lesson 11: Grasshopper
Lesson 12: The "one line system"
Lesson 13: Natural harmonics in the first position
Lesson 14: Natural harmonics in the first position
Lesson 15: Christmas session
Lesson 16: Stopping with the first finger (Book B)
Lesson 17: Stopping with the first finger and left hand pizzicato (Book B)
Lesson 18: First finger stopping motion together with early change of position (Book B)
Lesson 19: First finger stopping motion together with natural harmonics in the first position (Book B)
Lesson 20: Stopping with the second finger (Book B)
Lesson 21: Stopping with the second finger (Book B)
Lesson 22: Second finger stopping motion together with early change of position (Book B)
Lesson 23: Second finger stopping motion together with natural harmonics in the first position (Book B)
Lesson 24: Stopping with the third finger (Book B)
Lesson 25: Stopping with the third finger
Lesson 26: Third finger stopping motion together with early change of position
Lesson 27: Third finger stopping motion together with natural harmonics in the first position
Lesson 28: Stopping with the fourth finger
Lesson 29: Stopping with the independent fourth finger
Lesson 30: Fourth finger stopping motion together with early change of position
Lesson 31: Fourth finger stopping motion together with natural harmonics in the first position
Lesson 32: Transposition and Summary
Books used in the 1st year lessons:
Videos 1-15: Book A of the Colourstrings Violin ABC
Videos 16-32: Book B of the Colourstrings Violin ABC
Year 2
Lesson 1: The two-line stave within the five-line stave, Ledger lines, Tempi, Bow stroke directions, Slurred quavers / eight notes played by adjacent fingers
Lesson 2: Slurred quavers / eight notes played by non-adjacent fingers
Lesson 3: Shifts within a slur
Lesson 4: The syncopated rhythm
Lesson 5: Bow-stroke division and slurr
Lesson 6: "Fast" shifts within the slur
Lesson 7: The dotted half note
Lesson 8: Melodies with dotted half note
Lesson 9: Dotted quarter / crochet note
Lesson 10: Melodies with dotted quarter / crochet note
Lesson 11: Summary of the newly learned rhythms
Lesson 12: Scales
Lesson 13: Playing on two strings
Lesson 14: Christmas session
Lesson 15: String-crossing
Lesson 16: Pentatony
Lesson 17: Pentatonic melodies
Lesson 18: String crossing together with stopping motion on two neighbouring strings
Lesson 19: String crossing together with stopping motion on two neighbouring strings
Lesson 20: Pentatonic scales
Lesson 21: New finger pattern: The low stopping position of the second finger
Lesson 22: Low stopping position of the second finger together with shifting movements
Lesson 23: Minor Pentahord Melodies played with the new finger pattern
Lesson 24: Pentahordal melodies and scales
Lesson 25: Playing on two strings
Lesson 26: String crossing with slurs
Lesson 27: Hexachord melodies played with portato and introduction of the upbeat
Lesson 28: Mixed fingerpatterns
Lesson 29: Hexachordal melodies and scales
Lesson 30: Matinée (Rascals Vol. I & Vol. 4)
Books used in the 2nd year lessons:
Videos 1-14: Book C of the Colourstrings Violin ABC (+ Book B and Kreutzerini - Supplimentary material for the Colourstrings Violin ABC Book B)
Videos 15-20: Book C of the Colourstrings Violin ABC
Videos 21-30: Book D of the Colourstrings Violin ABC
Year 3
Lesson 1: Dotted crotchet/quarter note played after a quaver/eight note
Lesson 2: The quaver/eight note rest following a quaver/eight note
Lesson 3: The quaver/eight note rest preceding quaver/eight note
Lesson 4: Introducing the semibreve/whole note
Lesson 5: Introducing semiquavers/sixteenth note
Lesson 6: Introducing and practicing rests and pause/fermata
Lesson 7: Musical literacy
Lesson 8: Bouncing bow
Lesson 9: Chamber music with piano
Lesson 10: Eighth note and sixteenth notes
Lesson 11: Sixteenth notes in front of eight note
Lesson 12: The major scale
Lesson 13: The natural minor scale
Lesson 14: Christmas matinée
Lesson 15: The absolute pitch G
Lesson 16: The absolute pitch G and G major scale played on two octaves
Lesson 17: The absolute pitch and note name A
Lesson 18: A major scale played on the lower (first) octave and sharpened stopping position of the third finger
Lesson 19: A major scale on two octaves and the mixed stopping position of the third finger
Lesson 20: The absolute pitch A and A minor scale on two octaves
Lesson 21: The absolute pitch and note name B/H
Lesson 22: The absolute pitch and note name C, C minor scale on two octaves
Lesson 23: C major and the mixed stopping position of the first finger
Lesson 24: G minor and the mixed stopping position of the fourth finger
Lesson 25: The absolute pitch and note name D and the D major scale
Lesson 26: New rhythms. D minor and major scales
Lesson 27: The absolute pitch and note name E together with E major and minor scales
Lesson 28: The natural (non altered) note F
Lesson 29: Time signature 3/8
Lesson 30: Matinée
Books used in the 3rd year lessons:
Videos 1-14: Book D of the Colourstrings Violin ABC
Videos 15-25: Book E of the Colourstrings Violin ABC
Videos 26-30: Book E and F of the Colourstrings Violin ABC + Yellow Pages Volumes I and II
Year 4
Lesson 1: Détaché
Lesson 2: Time signature 6/8
Lesson 3: Sharpened open string
Lesson 4: Legato
Lesson 5: The sharpened stopping position of the fourth finger
Lesson 6: Portato
Lesson 7: Melodic minor
Lesson 8: Scales
Lesson 9: Introducing the "strict" Martelé
Lesson 10: Sixteenth / semiquaver rest
Lesson 11: Martelé (smiling)
Lesson 12: Sixteenth / semiquaver rest before the note
Lesson 13: Time signature 9/8
Lesson 14: Christmas matinée
Lesson 15: The sharpened stopping position of the first finger
Lesson 16: Half position
Lesson 17: Introducing Staccato
Lesson 18: Introducing the light or flying staccato
Lesson 19: The flattened / lowered stopping position of the third finger
Lesson 20: Introducing Marcato
Lesson 21: Thirty-second note / demisemiquaver and rest
Lesson 22: Double dots
Lesson 23: Introducing bouncing bow
Lesson 24: The flattened or double flattened stopping position of the second finger
Lesson 25: Chromaticism
Lesson 26: Preparation for children's festival
Lesson 27: Preparation for children's festival
Lesson 28: Alla breve
Lesson 29: Introducing Ricochet
Lesson 30: Introducing Arpeggio
Lesson 31: Introducing chordal playing
Lesson 32: Introducing Sautillé
For purchasing sheet music, please visit Fennica Gehrman's Web Shop.
Please notice that page numbers may vary depending on the edition used.